Wednesday, 28 July 2010
JeJu Island food

I usually eat Sun-Da twice a week.You should eat this one when you visit Jeju lsland.
It has 30% of sour flavor and 70% of sweet flavor.
My parents used to grow the Han-la bong.But nowdays It`s too diffcult to work for orange agriculture.Because The korea import some fruit from other country.But my uncle is growing the Hal-la bong.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Jeju Island

Sunday, 6 June 2010
Korean War

On june 25th 1950 about 04:00 a.m..
North Korea has invaded into South Korea without declaration.
South Korea and North Korea were on combat Near the 38th line.
South Korea lost at beggining of war.
So South Korea government was moved to Pusan.
Government told citizen that 'Our Army is winning now'.
But it was a lie.A lot of Soldier were died.
As South Korea army operated 'Defend Ab-rok river', South Korea prevented from North Korea. At that time, UN decided that they were going to help South Korea and prevent from North Korea. So UN sent their troops into South Korea. UN`s troops arrived at Pusan and Ulsan.
UN`s supreme commander 'Macarthur' ordered to attack to Incheon near by Seoul. We call it 'Incheon Landing Operation'. It`s so famous.
So South korea recovered Seoul by 3days and then UN troops and South Korea army took over the Pyungyang which is North Korea capital.
But as China army intervened into Korea, South Korea army retreted to near the 38th line. Finally South Korea called a truce since 1953.
Friday, 21 May 2010
Old Trafford

I`ve imagined that I`m in the 'Old Trafford' in my country.
My dream came true at last. I went to Old Trafford Manchester United stadium on 02 May.
My dream came true at last. I went to Old Trafford Manchester United stadium on 02 May.
When I arrived Old Trafford, I felt that I was dreaming.
There were so many trophys and historic uniforms.
Especially, I was impressed gips which used for Rooney`s ankle.
When Rooney was injured in 2006, FIFA World cup was coming.
SO most of england fans worried about World cup.
That gips was using for Rooney`s fastly recovery.
I took so many pictures which are my treasure now.
'Old Trafford' was really really great!
Saturday, 1 May 2010
England compare with korea

When I ate england food first time I thought that england food is soltier than south korea food.
But I eat england food very well.
When I arrived heathrow aireport I used a taxi. The road was very disorder.
I haven`t seen traffic disorder in south korea.
The england road is more dangerous than south korea.
Not only England is very popular about tourism bur korea too.
I think that England is a bit better than south korea about toursim.
English is very kind.When I looked for post-office English explaned to me so politely.
English is as kind as south korean.
England football is called 'EPL' and South korea football is called 'K-LEAGE'.
EPL is more popular than K-LEAGE. EPL is the best leage correctly.
Englsh male heigh average is 175cm.But South korea male heigh average is 170cm.
English is usually taller than South korea male.
Monday, 26 April 2010

-Rice for one person, 2 stalks of kimchi, 1/4 of onion, 50g of minced pork, 3roots of green onion, 1 teaspoon of ground garlic, 1teaspoon of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of sesame salt, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil, salt, pepper powder, cooking oil
1. It is better to use a little under-cooked rice, or if there is any, cold rice.
2. Take out the insides of kimchi and cut them into small pieces.
3. Chop onions and green onions into small bits and mince the garlic.
4. Season the minced pork with soy sauce, minced garlic and pepper powder.
5. Saute the pork with cooking oil in frying pan. When the pork is cooked, put the onion and kimchi and cook more.
6After five minutes,put in the minced garlic and green onion. Cook a little more and turn off the heat. Mix well after.
7. After mixing kimchi and pork with rice, turn on the heat again and taste with salt and pepper. Finally put a little bit of sesame salt and sesame oil.
8. Put the rice into the dish and sprinkle sesame salt. It maybe served with crushed toasted seaweed.
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