South Korea is in the East Asia.Jeju Island is the most south part of south korea which I`ll explain to you.

This is Jeju island which is my hometown.It was generated by a volcano activity.The population is 600,000 people.Genarally It`s warm.

This is the Seong san sunrise. It`s in the east. Surrounded by 99 small and big rocks, the top of the crater looks like a beautiful crown floting upon the blue ocean.Every year in first January, Many people go to Seongsan sunrise. They pray by whtaching the sunrise.

This is the Jusang jeol li.Every rocks there are shaped in a hexagon.It looksed as if huge sculptures were glued together which was quite amzing.

This is the Bak rok Dam where is top of Halla Mountain.There are some legend that ancestors drunk alcohol brewed white deer in Bak rok Dam.I climbed Halla mountain 4 years ago.But It was rainny and cloudy.So I couldn`t see the Bak rok Dam.The mountain`s height is 1950m.

I `d recommend to see Yong Du Am.It is 10m high looking stone which is located west sea. It was named Yong Du Am because It looks like drogon`s head.

This is a traditional thatched house which is made by roof and straw and reeds.
My ancestry has lived that house.I`m not sure this house is intense or not.